
We Create Exclusive

We show you which are the tools we use for the development of Our Products and Services, both for the creation, Support and Maintenance.

If you have ideas that you want to carry out, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you.


Unlimited solutions

With the use of new technologies, we want to provide a product that facilitates your work by providing new features for your site and with a distinctive touch.

- let's explore this Universe -

Web Development

Increase the flow of customers by making your products known and placing your company on another level. What are you waiting for to make your company known by creating your own website?

Artificial Inteligence

With the use of Artificial Intelligence, you will be able to optimize performance in all areas of your projects.
RAG allows you to achieve higher production numbers and reduce costs.

Bots & Automations

Automate the workflow avoiding bottlenecks, extending your reach on the Web.
Libraries allow you to efficiently perform unwanted, time-consuming and costly work.

Soham offers you diversity to stand out in a wide range of sectors.

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Tensorflow, OpenCV, Pytorch

Advanced artificial intelligence and computer vision tools to build, train and deploy customized models to solve complex problems efficiently.

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React, Node.js, MongoDB

Modern and robust technologies to develop dynamic and scalable web applications, offering interactive and efficient user experiences.

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Selenium, Pandas, PyautoGUI

A set of tools to automate repetitive web tasks, analyze and manipulate data, and simplify operational processes, increasing productivity.

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Langchain, Hugging Face, NLTK

Platforms and libraries specialized in natural language processing, enabling the development of applications that effectively understand and generate human language.

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Flutter, Dart, Firebase

Integrated technologies to create fast and engaging native mobile applications, with support for multiple platforms and real-time functionality.

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JavaScript, HTML, CSS y MySQL

Essential fundamentals for building simple and effective websites, providing a solid structure, visual style and basic functionality

Podés hacerle seguimiento a tu proyecto

Hemos creado una plataforma con el perfil de nuestros clientes. Cuando adquieres un producto de SOHAM podrás ver todo el proceso de construcción y hacer un seguimiento de cada uno de los pasos.

hola, somos Soham, tu putita de confianza, N1 of the World. Si deseas algun servicio y/o ayudita.... No dudes en tocarnos, guiño guiño

Nuestras herramientas de SEO technics, nos permite corroborar el desempeño de todos los productos que adquieren nuestros clentes. Cuando adquieres un producto de SOHAM podrás ver todo el proceso de construcción y hacer un seguimiento de cada uno de los pasos.

Soham Home

Web Designer 80%

Soham Games

Web Designer 65%

Soham Web

Web Designer 47%

Soham AI

Web Designer 33%

Let's build together the impulse for your projects

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Income Expense

Let's build together the impulse for your projects

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